November 15 2011 2 15 /11 /November /2011 15:27


Some hate it -  some love it  - but everybody was waiting for it to begin. Sally proudly presents: "Projekt Wichteln" or "Santas Secret" or "Holiday Gift Exchange". I hope everone of you is joining the game. ( For those who don't know this game. Instead of buying a gift for every of your buddies, everybody is preparing one gift. So you will send your parcel to a mate which is chosen by a generator and you will get a gift from someone else. )


The rules are as usual:

1. Santas Secret should not cost more than 30$.

2. Please pack your parcel beautiful   same way as you would like to receive it.

    Don't matter if it is only a bone as long as it is lovely presented with a red ribbon.

    You know what I mean. Please don't be disappointed if the present you'll get is

    not like you have expected. It's only a game and should make fun. But I can't

    remember that we have had problems last year.

3. The gifts should arrive before  2011  December  20 .


4. The draw will be generated automaticly by a so called Wichtelgenerator.


Last year some of you were disappointed cause they could not play the game with european buddies. We thought about the very high international shipping costs but tell us if you want to play with Europe. Everyone who wants to play "International Santas Secret" please write a adding note to let us know.  Like every year we are also looking for "sponsors" to help one of  those buddies whose Can-Openers are in a difficult situation and short of money. Please do not write this on our comment field. Send us just an email.


5. Everyone who want to join please leave a comment and send us your address to  -- And tell your friends


6. A picture of you while unpacking the gifts on your Blog.


Now go-go-go ----- join and have fun. 


You can sign in till   November 30st.


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<br /> We would love to play and are happy to be sponsors too. If this is just for dogs, then the participant will be TOMMY, a 4-year English Springer Spaniel living in France. Our family also inclues 4<br /> Abyssinian cats and one 2 year-old Percheron stallion.<br />