October 25 2009 7 25 /10 /October /2009 21:36

This is the only access and I am the duty officer. Passing is only possible  with a reward for me or if I get cuddles. I can observe everything from here. Granted, it may be quite annoying when you constantly have to step over me, especially when preparing the table for lunch or dinner. If the food is on the table, I am also willing to go one step further, over to the dining table. As I lay me down under Dads chair before he can sit down.  So he is, lets say, not very amused. HAHAHA
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October 23 2009 5 23 /10 /October /2009 11:45

After eating rotten French cheese, I have got abdominal pinching since two days.

So someone has to rub my belly. Mommy does all day long. It's getting a little better.
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October 21 2009 3 21 /10 /October /2009 17:47

How about a relay race ?

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October 20 2009 2 20 /10 /October /2009 15:40

I'm bored, I can not take a walk, as everybody arround is shooting. And so I cann't even meet friends.
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October 19 2009 1 19 /10 /October /2009 10:05


Who does not like driving convertible, but the ride always with the roof closed.


Here we went down to the lake. I had to pull on the leash so badly, that mom fell down. She had also twisted her foot so that the rest of the day was just limping around. Own fault, I say, who is wearing such tiny boots when walking with a huge strong dog?

Then I went "offline". Maybe I would have been a good idea to pull earlier.

It was early in the morning, even the sun wasn't awake.

There she comes...

Best time to goof around, as nobody is here.

Morning washing.

Deep impression.

Would mom also hop a little  through the area, she would also get warm.

Walking on the Moon do do dooooo

Final spurt and back home.

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October 17 2009 6 17 /10 /October /2009 11:17

What kind of sandwich should that be? No cheese or sausage, sorry - no fun.
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October 16 2009 5 16 /10 /October /2009 12:55

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October 13 2009 2 13 /10 /October /2009 13:47

DJ's mum has gone, because DJ was so lonely. But before leaving she left me a little souvenir. A very noisy pirate. After successful emergency surgery, he is now, let's call it "aphone". Thanks again. Now I'm looking forward to when she will return. With gifts and treats, and perhaps also with  DJ.
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October 10 2009 6 10 /10 /October /2009 22:01

Early in the morning, at ten clock, we went to the Outback.

Here is nature reserve, but we're still under shooting fire.

Here, Mom asked Aunt Susan, if she wants to emigrate.

Aunt Susanna only briefly: "OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM, I want to come here. OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM."

Just see the beautiful view. DJ's mistress liked it anyway.

Mom has already discovered a Purchase.

Whole day long they were laughing tears. About some shit insider gags. Daddy's not getting it either. But he has recorded that for posterity.
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October 9 2009 5 09 /10 /October /2009 17:28

The ladies, think where are we supposed to hold picnic.

Someone has drained the lake. In  was full in summer.

One small step for a dog, one giant leap ........... .

A clear case of freshwatermusseltrees. Totally harvested.

I prefer playing motorboat. Full speed ahead.

Watch out, flying dog.

I dug a little and then drunk plenty of water from the lake.

Poh, swimming lessons. Momy helped to calm me down .......

....... and then suddenly I swam all alone. Well, that's it.

A small snack. At home, I do not get so tasty sticks with swampy smell.

Bathing here makes a lot more fun than at home in the tub. Even though mom says that the smell there would be definitely better.

They would not like to take a drink from the lake. Well, fear of gippy tummy ?

I will take this sand to my home . No discussion.

Whaaaaaaat? Already done? But I have not finished yet.  
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